Game Design with GDevelop

Lessons Materials

Links to GDevelop

Game Design Document



File Sharing Pages

Use this if you need to :

  • Create a URL for sound or graphic game asset to be used in GDevelop. These are for free game assets you find on the internet, or if you create your own.
  • Share your game.json file with the instructor for troubleshooting. Download your game file using “Save as…” -> “Download a copy”, then use the link below to upload to the instructor (…open the page then click “Select a file”).
  • Game Asset Sharing Link


  • Images are missing or flickering, graphics looks distorted during preview
    • Make sure to SAVE FIRST!!!
    • Close and restart Safari
    • If that didn’t resolve the issue, clear the cache on your iPad. Clear iPad Cache.
  • Unable to save on Google Drive